
家校心連心 關愛滿一生


Hi Everyone, this is Elaine Fu from the PTA. The PTA works hand in hand with the headmaster, teachers and staff of the school, with the sole purpose of giving all students the opportunity to reach their academic potential and develop their character.

We believe that academic development is vitally important in this day and age, but not all students will achieve top grades. We believe therefore that it is our social responsibility to allow the development of every single child and as part of that we want to see them progress from where they are now and our purpose is to be part of the enabling process that develops their school record as much as possible.

Academic attainment alone, without character development, is not sufficient to develop any student into a mature adult who is able to contribute to society. Therefore we aim to support each child and nurture their character through being positive role models and setting a good example to them.

Finally we need to be part of helping the school impart into each student a set of values and principles that will allow them to prosper throughout the years ahead as they become adults.

If you would like to understand more about the PTA, please email us at pta01@ytt.edu.hk. We wish everyone a happy and healthy life!

© 東華三院邱子田紀念中學。家長教師會。 版權所有。
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